Vapitaly news

Registrations are now open for VapitalyPRO, the only exclusively B2B vaping event in Europe

Registrations are now open for VapitalyPRO, the only exclusively B2B vaping event in Europe

September 18 2019

As of today, registrations are open for VapitalyPRO, the only event in the vaping sector dedicated to B2B, that will be held at the new Fiera di Roma fairgrounds (Entrance EST – Via A. G. Eiffel, 00148 Rome). Italian and international exhibitors and operators will have this great opportunity on November 9 and 10 in the Italian capital for two days of networking, training and exchanging market news.


Admission to the event is free, reserved for operators only (stores, producers and distributors) and to the specialized press with registration on the Vapitaly website and subsequent verification by the organization of the applicant's business.

To organize the VapitalyPRO experience in the best way, at the time of registration, you can also book attendance at the workshops scheduled. There will be four free training courses, each lasting two hours, dealing with the main topics of vaping with a practical approach starting from concrete business experiences.


November 9 Saturday morning 11 to 1 p.m.

“A smoker comes into your store”

Motivation, advantages and attractions to draw a smoker's attention.

In collaboration with LIAF (Lega Italiana Anti Fumo)


November 9 Saturday afternoon 3 to 5

How to advertise the sector online and offline without making mistakes

Best practices and new marketing tools to promote your store

In collaboration with Sigmagazine, Taglianigruppoadv and Rdcom


November 10 Sunday morning 11 to 1 p.m.

Vaping stores: everything you need to know

Ideas and practical suggestions for untangling yourself from bureaucracy and living a successful experience.

In collaboration with UNIEcig


November 10 Sunday afternoon 3 to 5

What to do when the Finance Police or the Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit come to your store?

How to prepare and be ready to manage the legal and practical aspects during an inspection.

In collaboration with Utopia Legal

For ticket request, click HERE